The Bee's Knees Cocktail
The phrase “bee’s knees” was prohibition-era slang for “the best.” This classic cocktail born from the prohibition era combines gin, lemon, and honey. The Bee’s Knees cocktail is especially important to the Barr Hill family. Each year we celebrate Bee’s Knees Week, a spotlight on the importance of bees in our food and drink system, and a community of bartenders working together to save the bees. Click here to learn more about it.
2 oz Barr Hill Gin
.75 oz Fresh Lemon Juice
.75 oz Raw Honey Syrup (2 parts honey to 1 part hot water. Let cool.)
Lemon Twist Garnish
Combine ingredients in a shaker, add ice, shake, then double strain into a chilled cocktail glass. Add garnish.