• September 20th - 29th, 2024

Thanks for signing up again to help pollinators in 2024!

Please watch your email for marketing materials and important updates.If you have any questions, please email us at BKW2024@caledoniaspirits.com

Bee’s Knees Week is now a proud member of 1% for the Planet!

Every year in September, bars, restaurants, spirit stores, cocktail fans and environmental stewards come together to celebrate pollinators and raise awareness about their importance to our planet and wellbeing.

Drink the best & Save the bees

During Bee’s Knees Week, the simple act of enjoying a refreshing Barr Hill Bee’s Knees cocktail helps protect pollinators! Here’s how it works:

* Bonus - every bottle of Barr Hill sold equals an additional 20sq/ft created!

    Why are bees so important?

    Almost 90% of all flowering plants and approximately 30% of our food crops depend on animal pollinators. 1 in every 3 bites of food you take depends on pollinators, with honeybees alone pollinating more than 90 different food crops we rely on. In the United States, honeybee pollination produces over $20 billion worth of products annually.

    Bee’s are one of humanity’s special connection points with nature and their role as pollinators affects our entire ecosystem and the delicate balance of life on this planet - well beyond just the effect on food crops.

    What Threats are Bees Facing?

    Colony Collapse Disorder (CCD), harmful pesticides, mono-cropping in our agricultural industry, varroa mites and other pests all have a large impact on honeybee populations. Also, on a smaller scale, a fear of bees despite their relatively docile nature drives people to kill them and destroy their habitat. According to Bee Informed, over 40% of honeybee colonies in the US were lost in 2021-22.

    You may have heard of Colony Collapse Disorder - what is it? CCD is the sudden mass disappearance of the majority of worker bees in a colony. While the causes are still debated, many possible causes or contributing factors have been proposed, such as diseases, pathogens, pesticides, and changes in habitat. CCD was first reported in the US in 2006 - shocking beekeepers nationwide and initiating intense research into the interconnected roots of the problem.

    The Bee's Knees Cocktail

    Bars and restaurants across the country will be serving Barr Hill Bee's Knees cocktails, and you can also make one at home! This guide offers some of our favorite recipes - from the classic Bee's Knees, to fun variations and even mocktails so everyone can participate.

    Our 2023 Cocktail & Mocktail Guide is now available.

    • What can we do to help?

      • Support your local beeekeeper! Buy real local raw honey and organic fruits and vegetables whenever possible!

      • Be conscious while gardening or tending to your lawn. Refrain from using neonicotinoids or other harmful pesticides, fungicides, or herbicides. Plant native pollinator friendly plants and reduce the amount of open grass space. Don’t weed out everything! Check out the US Fish & Wildlife’s guide to planting for pollinators.

      • Work in your community to encourage the conservation of wild pollinator habitats.

      • Consider keeping bees. There are many easy to care for hives and organizations to help you get started.